Membership benefits
Membership gives employment lawyers access to:
- High quality low cost training
- Rich resource of searchable legal practice documents and articles (including ELA Briefing and Lecture notes)
- Networking with fellow employment lawyers
- Opportunities for personal and professional development
ELA’s support for self-funding employment lawyers
Full Members
Annual membership fee: £115
(£20 for lawyers working for voluntary sector organisations)
- Qualified lawyers who spend at least 25% of their professional time providing employment law services in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
- Foreign lawyers (any person who is fully qualified to practise law in a jurisdiction outside the UK in accordance with the rules regulating the legal profession in that jurisdiction) who spend at least 25% of their professional time providing employment law services under the jurisdiction of England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
Associate members
Annual membership fee: £50
- Trainee lawyers who spend at least 25% of their professional time providing employment law services in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
- Foreign lawyers who spend at least 25% of their professional time providing employment law services under any jurisdiction other than England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
- Qualified lawyers engaged in research of employment law or the academic or vocational teaching of employment law for at least 25% of their time in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
- Members of the judiciary with experience in the practice of employment law in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
Multiple member discount scheme
Discount scheme for organisations with two or more members
Where an organisation has two or more members, the discount will be 20% per member after the first member, based on the full rate of £115 (full member); £50 (associate member) per year.
An organisation with 3 full members would pay £299 (£115 + £92 + £92) rather than £345 (£115 + £115 + £115)
There are two conditions to group membership:
- You must be prepared to receive one invoice covering your organisation’s group, with the 20% discount applied
- You must nominate an admin contact for the group. This person does not have to be an ELA member but can be anyone at your firm involved in booking training and/or authorisation of ELA invoice payments
Your group membership subscription is determined by the number of members you declare to us at the beginning of the year, and will not change for the rest of that membership year, however many members you may gain or lose during the course of the year (i.e. a snap-shot approach). You may add or delete members from your group, but the amount you were invoiced at the start of the subscription year will remain the same (provided the levels of change are reasonable).
To apply for membership under the discount scheme, please contact the ELA office with the names of the people in your organisation who you would like to be ELA members.
Tel: 01895 256972
Email: ela [at] (ela[at]elaweb[dot]org[dot]uk)
When an organisation applies for group membership it does so as an agent for and behalf of each of its members and it is expected to have the permission of each member to apply for membership and supply their personal details to us.
Please draw your members’ attention to ELA’s privacy policy
Annual fee: £50
Voluntary sector organisations with a material interest in employment law may benefit from all ELA services as correspondents. The annual fee allows for unlimited number of individuals within the organisation to benefit from ELA services. The requirement for a legal qualification for the individuals you declare to us is waived for correspondents.
Please contact the ELA office to apply for/renew your correspondent membership.
Tel: 01895 256972
Email: ela [at] (ela[at]elaweb[dot]org[dot]uk)
Foreign lawyer means any person who is fully qualified to practise law in a jurisdiction outside the UK in accordance with the rules regulating the legal profession in that jurisdiction.
Member of the judiciary means a judge, Master or district judge, or an Employment Tribunal Judge or Chairman of the Industrial Tribunals and the Fair Employment Tribunal (N.Ireland) or a person authorised to act as such.
Qualified lawyer means any person who is:
- Admitted to (and remains on) the roll of Solicitors of the Supreme Court of England and Wales, the Supreme Court of Northern Ireland and/or the roll of Solicitors held by the Law Society of Scotland
- Called to the Bar of England and/or Wales (and has not ceased to be a member of that Bar)
- Admitted as (and remains) an Advocate by the Faculty of Advocates in Scotland
- Admitted as (and remains) an Advocate of the Royal Court of Guernsey
- Admitted as (and remains) an Advocate or Solicitor of the Royal Court of Jersey
- Admitted as (and remains) an Advocate of the High Court of Justice of the; or
- Qualified as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives and has not ceased to be a Fellow
Voluntary sector organisation are those which are either affiliated to the Law Centres Federation or the National Association of Citizen’s Advice Bureaux and which provide employment law services to the public or otherwise receive central or local government funding for the provision of employment law services to the public.