Important notice to ELIPS clinic users:
The Employment Tribunal Litigants in Person Support Scheme (ELIPS) runs clinics online (generally on the first and third Thursday of each month).
Clinics will be available to unrepresented litigants in person who:
• Are involved in a live claim in one of the following Employment Tribunals:
o London Central (it will not apply to claims issued in London South or London East)
o Bristol
o Cardiff
o Manchester
o Midlands West
o Newcastle
o Leeds
• Have a hearing, judicial mediation, or case management order with which to comply within 2 weeks of the clinic date. (For example, if the clinic is taking place on Thursday 19 September 2024, to qualify for assistance you would need to show that you have a deadline to meet or a hearing to prepare for within two weeks of that clinic (i.e., on or before 3 October 2024)).
• Have the ET1, ET3, and any case management order or notice of hearing readily available.
ELIPS volunteers provide support in the form of one-off advice on the day of the clinic. ELIPS is currently not able to offer representation at hearings.
If you meet the above criteria, please email the Pro Bono Administrator at elips [at] at least two weeks prior to the date of the clinic you are eligible to attend, attaching a copy of your Notice of Hearing or Case Management Order. If an appointment is available, you will be contacted.
Further information for potential clients is available here
Information for ELIPS volunteers
Sources of legal advice and assistance
Privacy notice for Employment Tribunal Litigants in Person (LIPs)