The future of employee competition in the US and UK

  • Speaker(s):

    Peter Wozniak, King & Spalding LLP and Diya Sen Gupta KC, Blackstone Chambers

  • Chair:

    Toni Lorenzo, Lewis Silkin LLP

  • CPD hours:
  • Length:
    Short (up to two hours)
  • Cost:
    Fees Apply
  • Experience level:
  • Delivery:
  • Committee:
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With a new Labour government in the UK and a Trump administration around the corner, ELA invites our members to join a panel discussion on employee competition in the US and UK. 

The panel will look to cover:

  • The FTC’s proposed ban on non-competes – is it dead in the water?
  • Labour’s employment reforms – a new deal for employee competition?
  • Trends in employee competition in the US and UK.


  • Sole licence – one link, one viewer: £35 + VAT
  • Team licence – one link, up to 10 viewers: £140 + VAT


We also offer the following discounts on the full fee:

  • 100% discount for members in the voluntary or not-for-profit sector (with no booking deadline)
  • 100% discount for pupil barristers or barristers less than 2 years call (with no booking deadline)
  • Please note only one discount will be applied per booking.

This webinar will be held on Zoom.

If you are unable to make the date, please register if you would like to receive the ‘on demand’ recording of this webinar.

Once you have booked, you will receive an email containing the login details for the online event, please ela [at] (contact us) if you have any queries.

If you are purchasing a “sole licence” subject to your strict compliance with these terms and conditions, we hereby grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, limited licence for you to view the webinar / content in your personal capacity. You may not share your login credentials with anyone else and you may not share or broadcast the webinar / content to any other persons.

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If you are not a current member of ELA and would like to join and attend this event (or any other events), please email ela [at] (ela[at]elaweb[dot]org[dot]uk) or telephone 01895 256972 and we will be happy to bring you into membership and reserve your place at this event.

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