Michael Lampert
Outside British Isles jurisdiction
- England - South East and London
- Scotland
lampertadr, New York
mlampert [at] gmail.com
Mediation qualifications held
CEDR certified; CPR, WIPO & AAA Panels of Mediators; SDNY & DNJ Panels
Conducts Employment Mediations
Employment Mediation tends to deal with employment relationships that have ended or where tribunal proceedings have been issued or are in contemplation
Conducts Workplace Mediations
Workplace mediation deals with conflict between parties who are still employed
Conducts International Mediations
Mediator is experienced
Particular areas of interest or sector knowledge
International; Financial industry
Training undertaken
CEDR Advanced; AAA Basic; SDNY observe/mentor; many CPD programs; spoke at ELA 9/10/18
CMC Registered