Free Representation Unit
FRU may offer free representation at the tribunal hearing. If your case is two days or less, you can approach FRU direct. Otherwise you need a referral from an advice agency such as a Citizens Advice Bureau (or ELIPS).
Mayor of London: Employment Rights Hub
Information about getting advice locally in London
Support Through Court (Formally PSU)
Support Through Court (formally known as PSU) offers help to litigants in person at all stages of the court process, including completing documents, and offering support and guidance before, during, and after court.
They are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm and have agreed to have ELIPS Clients signposted to them for further support.
Tel: 020 7947 7701
Support Through Court
Room M21 (Ground floor)
Royal Courts of Justice
Mary Ward Legal Centre
Litigants with a claim at London Central Tribunal may be able to offer you some advice at an evening advice session, but they are not taking on any employment cases.
Call 020 7831 7079
A charity in Somerset House, London which gives legal advice about resolving disputes. Its fees are means-tested and solicitors are often able to see clients at short notice.
Call 020 3701 7530