ELA’s membership magazine, ELA Briefing, published 10 times a year, is ELA members’ primary recourse for commentary on employment law. Overseen by the editorial committee, it contains news, case reports, commentary and analysis on recent decisions and in-depth articles on issues of current concern, as well as providing a platform for all ELA members to air their views.
ELA Briefing archive
Fully searchable back issues of ELA Briefing are available to members here. Members can also download full back editions in pdf.
How to submit an article
The editorial committee is responsible for commissioning, deciding on copy and editing the ELA membership magazine ELA Briefing. It meets 10 times a year and reviews copy received for each month.
ELA members interested in writing an article should contact the current ELABriefingEditor [at] elaweb.org.uk (subject: ELA%20Briefing) (Editor) by e-mail setting out what you wish to write/ or simply submit an article according to the contributors guidelines .
Download the contributors guidelines
Deadline dates to receive copy
No article can be guaranteed to be published and the decision of the editorial board/ editor is final. However most well written articles of a relevant area of employment law stand a good chance of being included. We may ask authors to change paragraphs or rewrite to fit space limits. We would also ask that any article appear first and only in ELA Briefing unless specific authorisation is sought to publish elsewhere.
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