The Junior Committee represents the interests of ELA's junior members. The Committee is selected from a range of firms, chambers and organisations across the country with diverse backgrounds and experience, to ensure that they have insight into the needs of the full spectrum of our junior members.
The ELA Junior Committee are responsible for the following:
- Speed mentoring: Multiple times a year, the Committee runs speed mentoring events, which provide junior lawyers (mentees) the opportunity to network with and be mentored by senior lawyers (mentors) in a relaxed and fun environment. A number of ELA speed mentoring events have been held in and outside London.
- Junior events: The Committee seeks to arrange at least one annual event for junior members to meet, socialise and expand their peer network.
- Junior training: The responsibility for training sits with ELA's Training Committee, but the Committee passes on the views and feedback of junior members about future training initiatives and from time to time gets involved in chairing and running training events targeted at juniors.
- Other: Beyond the above, the Committee is always considering running additional events and initiatives targeted at junior members. In the past, this has included organising a session for the ELA Annual Conference and hosting a junior lecture. The Committee also continues to liaise with ELA's Management Committee and ELA's other committees to see how junior members can become more involved in their activities.
We welcome further ideas and input from junior members on possible further initiatives - should you have any suggestions or feedback, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Junior Chair.